Quality control in paint

Quality control in paint which refers to the standard specified requirements for ready to use air drying emulsion paints, for both interior and exterior application on masonry surfaces, including concrete bricks, on stucco, concrete blocks, fibre reinforced and cement sheets and on suitable printed metal and wood surfaces. It covers four classes of emulsion paints for decorative purposes: – interior, economy, standard and premium.

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Interior Emulsion Paint
In addition to satisfying other requirements, the paint shall have wet abrasion of 50 cycles minimum.

Economy Emulsion Paint
This grade of emulsion paint shall, in addition to satisfying other requirements, have a wet abrasion of 101 cycles minimum.

Standard Emulsion Paint
This grade of emulsion paint shall, in addition to satisfying other requirements, have a wet abrasion of 201 cycles minimum.

Premium Emulsion Paint
Setpoint silk is the highest grade of emulsion paint, which in addition to satisfying other requirements shall have a minimum wet-abrasion of 501 cycles minimum.


For the purpose of this standard, the sampling procedures in quality control in paint NIS 285:1990 shall apply unless otherwise stated.

Preparation of Sample for Testing

For the purpose of this standard, samples shall be prepared in accordance with NIS 267:1989, unless otherwise stated.

Standard Panels for Testing

For the purpose of this standard, NIS 273: 1990 shall apply unless otherwise stated.

Standard Test Conditions

All tests shall be carried out at temperature of 27± 2°C and a relative humidity of 75± 5% unless otherwise stated.


8.1      Composition

The paint shall consist of pigments with suitable extenders, in appropriate proportions; in a medium consisting of a stable synthetic polymer dispersed in water with other suitable ingredients as may be necessary to produce a paint that would satisfy the requirements of this standard (see 7.11).

8.2     Condition of paint in the container

When received in an unopened full Container; paint shall not have an offensive or irritating odour and if any separation of the liquid has taken place, the depth shall not exceed 5% of the total depth of the content of the container. The paint shall be free from lumps and skin. It shall not exhibit excessive setting. Caking, granulation, levering, colour separation and shall be easily stirred to smooth and homogeneous state as to maintain the quality control in paint

8.3     Coarse Particles and Foreign Matter

When tested in accordance with the method prescribed in Table 1, the paint shall not leave a residue of more than 1% (w/w) on a sieve of nominal aperture size 75μm

8.4      Viscosity

When tested in accordance with the method prescribed in Table 1, (i.e. the ICI Roto Thinner viscometer method), the viscosity shall have a minimum of 6.0 poises at 27 ± 2°C.

8.5      Dilution Stability

When suitably thinned with water in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions, for roller, brush, or spray application, the paint shall mix readily with a minimum amount of foaming to a smooth and homogeneous state. The foaming, if any, shall dissipate rapidly. After the well-mixed and reduced paint has been stored for 72 hours at 27 ± 2°C, it shall rapidly remix to a smooth uniform state suitable for roller, brush, or spray application.

8.6      pH Value

When tested in accordance with the method prescribed in Table 1, using suitable glass electrode system or universal indicator, the pH value shall be between 7.0 and 9.0

8.7      Storage for Twelve Months

For quality control in paint, when stored at a temperature of 27± 2°C in sealed containers as delivered by the manufacturer up to at least 12 months from the indicated date of the manufacturer, the paint shall show no biochemical deterioration leading to loss in viscosity or coagulation of the emulsion and shall meet all the requirements of this standard.

8.8      Temperature Stability

When put into 400mL glass jar, with ground-in-cover, to about three quarters full and kept fully closed in a suitable oven at a temperature of  50 ± 2°C for one month, the paint shall not develop an offensive odour and shall still comply with the requirements of clauses 7.5, 7.9.1 and 7.9.2.
When tested using 1CI Roto Thinner viscometer, the paint shall have a viscosity of not less than 6.0 poises at 27 ± 2°C.

quality control in paint

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